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Concrete Stoop Repair - Fort Collins, CO

We see stoops and porches that have fallen every day.  If you're a homeowner in Colorado, you know concrete fails frequently in our climate.  With our freeze and thaw cycles over the winter months, porous concrete surfaces absorb moisture, so soils below are washed away.  For this customer compaction during the original construction is most likely the culprit.  Thankfully PolyLevel not only lifts and levels concrete slabs but also compacts the soils below as an added benefit!

Back Patio sunken concrete slabs lift in Fort Collins, CO

Christopher was not new to concrete repairs as some slabs were extended on his back patio.  Unfortunately, additional repairs were needed to stabilize the area and prevent any sinking as well wash the old dirty concrete!  This one turned out pretty well! Check out that color difference!

Sunken concrete steps Fort Collins, Co

This homeowner called us to fix her sunken concrete steps. We were able to lift them back to their original position with PolyLevel and seal all joints and cracks with NexusPro. 

Concrete Sidewalk sunk Fort Collins

Example of: Polylevel lift on a concrete sidewalk 

Concrete steps sunk Fort Collins Co

Example of using Polylevel to lift and level back patio steps and NexusPro to fill all joints and cracks. 

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