Job review from in Annapolis, MD 21403 on 03/13/23

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service
Could not be more pleased. Immediately noticed the improved atmosphere in the house and the following reduced BGE bills are the proof.
Call Representative
Every contact made me feel like I was the most important customer.
Sales Process
Incredibly knowledgeable and professional. Explained every possible improvement for my home with complete explanations.
Our Installation Crew
A real team that worked so well together. No stress on this homeowner. Was a pleasure to have JB and crew in my home.
The Cleanup Process
Fastidious. Treated my home as if it was theirs. After they left, no one could tell they'd been here.

What type of work did you have done:

Energy Conservation

What made you choose our company:

I learned about CHS from a neighbor who was having work done. I immediately realized I would benefit from having an analysis and potential work done.
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