Before & After Photos

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Solar PV Balance of System in Honeoye Falls, NY

This solar PV electrical Balance of System, or "BOS," is one portion of a solar install for a customer in Honeoye Falls, NY. The Balance of System is comprised of 1 SMA 5 kW inverter and 1 SMA 3 kW inverter, along with 2 disconnect switches and the electrical meter. These inverters provide grid-synchronous AC output and interfaces to the electric utility. Power production (kW) and energy production (kWh) can be monitored by the digital display on the inverter.  

Electrical Upgrade in Bloomfield, NY

Here are some service panel pics from an electrical upgrade in Bloomfield, NY.  The old panel is called a Pushmatic, which is a very old panel that is obsolete after the company went out of business. Pushmatics can be a fire hazard and finding parts can be difficult. 


Solar Install in Middlesex, NY

This 8.175 kW solar electric system was installed for a customer in Middlesex, NY. First the customer had to clear some trees to avoid any shading issues. The system was then installaed as a 25 panel array. It was designed to generate approximately 8,894.8 kWh per year which is equivalent to a carbon dioxide emissions savings of approximately 13,522 lbs.!This customer has taken a huge step towards energy independence and reducing his environmental impact! 

Solar Installation & Add-On in Canandaigua, NY

This Canandaigua, NY customer was looking to go green and generate his own electricity!  So in 2011, we installed this roof-mounted, 3.2 kW, 14-panel solar array, followed by a small 0.7 kW add-on in 2013. The combination of these 2 systems are set-up to produce 101% of the customer's current average electric usage, which in this case, saves 5179 lbs. of carbon dioxide emissions per year! 

Solar Installation in Canandaigua, NY

This Canandaigua, NY customer was looking for a way to offset their electricity dependency from the local utility provider. The idea was to maximize roof space to produce as much energy as possible. The roof mount that was installed was designed to generate 5871 kWh per year for an average of 16.08 kWh/day!

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