Before & After Photos

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Solar System Installed in Farmington, NY

This 5.2kW solar electric system was installed for a customer in Farmington, NY. The system was installed as a roof-mounted array of sixteen SunPower modules and is designed to generate 5,471 kWh per year (where daily energy production is both weather and seasonally dependent). This energy production corresponds to 104% of the Customer's current annual usage.

Roof-Mounted Solar Array in Fairport, NY

This 6.213 kW solar electric system was installed for a customer in Fairport, NY. Wanting to offset dependency from the local utility company and reduce his carbon footprint, this customer has taken a major step towards energy independence with his new solar system. Installed as a roof-mounted array of 19 solar panels, the system is designed to generate 5,180.5 kWh per year!    

Annual Maintenance on AC

This Shortsville, NY customer is a Halco Agreement Member who receives annual maintenance on their air conditioner. The before picture is only one year after the last maintenance was completed! Can you imagine what this would look like if the customer neglected their system as many people often do? Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases. Maintain your AC, and you’ll not only save money on energy, but you’ll also extend its lifespan!

Furnace Replacement in Manchester, NY

This Manchester, NY customer originally contacted Halco to service her water heater in her newly purchased home. During the service visit, the customer expressed her concern about the home being fully ready to handle the upcoming winter. Halco service technician referred this customer for a no-cost energy audit, where our energy advisor gathered information about existing insulation, air infiltration, HVAC systems and much more. From the audit and recommendations, the customer had her old, inefficient furnace replaced with this new, high-efficiency furnace, along with some insulation and air sealing work. These improvements will ensure that this customer has a comfortable and warm winter in her new home!

Electrical Service Upgrade in Manchester, NY

This long-time Halco customer was in need of a 200 amp electrical service upgrade, so they gave us a call. We removed the existing 150 amp service and replaced it with all-new 200 amp equipment. We installed all new breakers and brought the grounding up to code!

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