Matt Thompson

Carolina Energy Conservation

Title: Comfort Specialist
Hometown: Niagara Falls, NY
Matt Thompson from Carolina Energy Conservation

Matt grew up in upstate New York, son of an Entrepreneur and the youngest of five; three sisters and another brother. Family has always been important. After pursuing his Bachelors and Masters in Education, Matt moved from teaching overseas to South Carolina in order to be closer to his brother, Jeff, and family. He enjoys his role as uncle to ten nieces and two nephews, spending time with his dog Atlas, fitness & sports, cards & chess and time spent with family and friends. 



Matt has also always worked in the trades: masonry, landscaping, demolition, carpentry, and roofing. His love for helping people led him to choose Klaus Roofing Systems. He believes in overcommunication and delivering great customer service. He looks forward to meeting you and finding the best solution for your roof. 

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