Before & After Photos

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Mold Removal Avella PA

Homeowner Jack had mold on his beams so we took care of it! 

Burgettstown PA Insulation Upgrade

Not the pink stuff again!  This customer in Burgettstown, PA was experiencing home discomfort.  The upstairs of their fairly new home was hot in the summer.  The air-conditioner ran continuously but just couldn't keep up!  HES wasn't surprised to find the "pink stuff" in the attic.  It is common for even new home builders to use this inferior insulation.  Fiberglass bats don't seal wall and ceiling spaces very tight which causes air leaks.  And "air leaks" are what cost you the home owner $$$.  

First we romoved his fiberglass bats, and vacumed all the dirt and dust out of the attic. Next the most important part we Air Sealed all the pentration points.  And last we covered his attic floor with a warm blanket of TrueSoft Cellulose Insulation.   

The results speak for themselves. 

Georgetown PA Attic & Storage

From inadequate and uneven to R60 all over and storage area

Washington PA Out With The Old In With The New I

Out with the old and in with the new! Our production team removed the old fiberglass insulation and air sealed the Washington PA attic.  Air sealing is as important as the insulation.  Last they blew in 17" of TrueSoft Cellulose insulation. 

Uncomfortable family room and kitchen

Shannon from Girard, OH called saying she can not maintain a comfortable temperature in her family room and kitchen year round. We sent our expert Russ out to do a free Home Energy Audit. Russ found old loose insulation and unsealed pipes, electrical and scuttle cover.


Our insulation team went out removed all old insulation and disposed of it. Insulated scuttle cover with SilverGlo and air sealed. Sealed chimney chase with metal flashing, fire caulk and rock wool sleeve. Installed Silverglo on walls and between floor joists as needed. Wrapped skylights with 2" SilverGlo to air seal and insulate. Sealed all accessible penetrations(pipe runs, wire runs, top plates(interior and exterior))  with Zypfoam. Installed blow in Trusoft cellulose.

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