Before & After Photos

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Gas Meter Taken Over by Bald-Faced Hornets in Colts Neck, NJ

As she was cleaning up her yard, this homeowner in Colts Neck, NJ spotted a hornets nest on her gas meter! She immediately called Cowleys for help and we were sent out. When we arrived, we equipped our protective bee suit, and took a closer look at these stinging insects. Once we got close, we were able to identify these pests as bald-faced hornets.

Bald-faced hornets are social stinging insects that are a close relative to yellow jackets. The surface of their upper midsection almost looks triangular from the side, and they have white markings on their face. They have a bad temper and are territorial and aggressive. So aggressive that they won't hesitate to sting anything or anyone that comes close to their nest. They also have smooth stingers and can sting over and over again. Even more terrifying is that bald-faced hornets can actually sense vibrations in the air and even remember their invader's face!

For treatment, we injected a knockdown aerosol application directly into the nest. This application neutralizes the bald-faced hornets almost immediately. After a few moments went by, we carefully removed the nest and then disposed of it properly.

Yellow Jacket's Nesting Under Second Floor Deck in Colts Neck, NJ

While treating this property in Colts Neck, NJ, we spotted some bald-faced hornets hovering around the second floor deck. We equipped our protective bee suit and starting approaching the area. That's when we noticed a bald-faced hornets nest peaking out. At first look, it appeared to be small, but once we got closer, we realized that was only a small portion of the nest hanging out! The nest itself was HUGE!

First, we injected a knockdown dusting application into the nest. Shortly after, we injected a knockdown aerosol application. These treatments are designed to eliminate the bald-faced hornets quickly. Moments later, we removed the large nest, disposed of it, and then treated the area with a liquid residual. This residual is going to exterminate any remaining bald-faced hornets that return to this area as well as prevent them, and other stinging insects, from building another nest. 

Restaurant Has Dirty Drains & Fruit Flies in Beach Haven, NJ

After noticing a rather large amount of fruit flies infesting his kitchen, this business owner in Beach Haven, NJ called Cowleys for help and we were sent out. As we began inspecting the kitchen, we noticed that several of the floor drains were overflowing with gunk and discarded liquids. As we continued our inspection to the sink room, we found several more dirty floor drains! This is what was contributing to the fruit fly problem!

For treatment, we applied a liquid application to all the floor drains and then scrubbed each one of them out with our scrubbing brush. Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution into each one of the floor drains. This application removes the organic build-up, odors, and scum in the drains, which the fruit flies breed in. Next, we treated the high infestation areas with a fly bait to control the adult fruit flies that were still flying around and then installed several fruit fly traps.

The attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait inside the traps exterminates them within moments of contact. Lastly, we scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the fruit fly activity and apply any additional treatments if necessary. Before we left, we spoke to the owner and mentioned a couple of sanitation procedures to put in place in order to prevent any future infestations from fruit flies or any other pests.

Family of Squirrels Nesting in Exterior Shower in Long Beach Island, NJ

This homeowner in Long Beach Island, NJ had a family of squirrels nesting in the exterior shower ceiling of his property. So he called Little Rascals for help and we were sent out. After inspecting the area, we immediately noticed a large opening around the pylon. So we installed a one-way device over that access point, enclosed the area off with hardware cloth temporarily, and then set up several baited devices nearby. The one-way will allow the squirrels to leave the area but prevent them from returning.

After a short period of time, we successfully retrieved the entire family of squirrels and took them to a new, safer location. To prevent any future nuisance wildlife intrusions in this area, we installed sturdy white metal flashing to blend in with the pylon.

Senior Community Disrupted by Bald-Faced Hornets in Pine Beach, NJ

Recently, we were sent out to an adult community in Pine Beach, NJ to eliminate an active bald-faced hornets nest in the garden area. Bald-faced hornets are social stinging insects that are a close relative to yellow jackets. The surface of their upper midsection almost looks triangular from the side, and they have white markings on their face. They're EXTREMELY aggressive and territorial. They won't hesitate to sting anything or anyone that invades their space.

After equipping our protective bee suit, we found the nest hanging in one of trees. We liberally treated the nest with a knockdown liquid product and a knockdown aerosol application. Both treatments will exterminate the bald-faced hornets quickly. A short while after, we removed the nest, and the branch it was attached to, and disposed of them both properly.

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