Before & After Photos

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Eugene, OR Homeowner Decides Open Walls Perfect Time to Add Spray Foam

The walls of this West Eugene, OR home were water-damaged. After the drywall and existing insulation were removed, the owner did research and decided spray foam would be the best solution.

Duct Work Insulated (With Arthritic Cat In Mind)

This Eugene-area resident called us as she needed some insulation under her home replaced.  When our Energy Consultant was investigating, he also discovered her duct work in the attic was not insulated and was leaky.  Some of the hot air she was paying to heat was not reaching her in her home! (see BEFORE photo)

Since she has a lot of animals, the better option of coating each duct with spray foam was not possible.  Having to remove all her animals for a few hours, including the arthritic cat, was going to be a lot of work!  Instead, our crew sealed all the connection points on the ducts with mastic and then wrapped each duct with vinyl-backed ducting insulation.  (see AFTER photo)

The homeowner was thankful for our work and for our care regarding her animals.

River Road Area Rental Home in Eugene, OR Has Crawl Space Insulation Replaced With Spray Foam

The insulation under this rental home in the River Road area of Eugene, OR was needing a better solution for the insulation under the home.  Animals had been getting in under it and tearing down the fiberglass (see Before photo).  When our Energy Consultant suited up and crawled under the home, he found a lot of raccoon droppings besides all the torn down insulation!

The owner chose to have the underfloor spray foamed as a longer-term solution to making this home more energy efficient for renters (see AFTER photo).  This seals up air leaks from under the home (about 50% of the air you breathe in the bottom level of your home comes from your crawl space), is a fabulous insulation material, and the raccoon will not be able to nest in it.

Cold House in Eugene, OR Making Homeowner Cold-Blown-in Cellulose Solves Issue

This homeowner called us to investigate the attic as the home got cold quickly when the temperature dropped. She was tired of being cold all winter.

This BEFORE photos shows pieces of fiberglass insulation here and there; it was definitely not doing much to keep the air she was paying to heat inside her house.

Our expert insulation crew removed all the old insulation, sealed the air leakage areas (another reason air was escaping from her home into the attic), made a special cover for the attic access point, and blew in TruSoft™ cellulose insulation to the higher R-60 level (see AFTER photo). All of these solutions added up to making this home much more comfortable in the winter.

Eugene, OR Crawl Space Changed from Disaster Area to Encapsulated Crawl Space

This Eugene, OR couple knew the crawl space under their home was a mess (BEFORE photo). They found us online, met with our Energy Consultant, and chose to move forward with the crawl space encapsulation (AFTER photo) to seal the crawl space.

Since the natural airflow in a house goes from the crawl space on upwards, they had been breathing in air from the mess under the home. Encapsulating their crawl and adding a dehumidifier now gives them a conditioned space with the correct humidity so mold cannot easily grow and there is no water for critters. It also helps keep the home more comfortable and makes the air they now breathe in their home healthier.

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