Before & After Photos

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Attic Insulation in Nesmith, SC

Check out these before and after photos our team took while installing this insulation in Nesmith, SC.

Attic Spray Form Insulation

Spray form insulation in an attic in Leland, NC!

Crawl Space

Moisture can seap into a crawl space through the ground and infrastructure causing mold growth and musty air. This can tend to get into the breathable air inside the home as well causing discomfort and potentially some heatlh hazards. This customer was noticing uncomfortable floors in their home and after a Carolina Energy Conservation Comfort Specialist visited the home, they saw where moisture was making its way into the crawl space. The CEC crew placed a vapor barrier around the entire crawl space to make for a dry environment below the home. 

Attic Fan

In the South it is very common for attics and roofs to hold an excessive amount heat radiated from the Sun. This can cause attics to reach temperatures much higher than those outside. This heat then moves into the home making the home's air conditioning unit work even harder to keep the space cool in the Summer months. This homeowner was noticing very high temperatures in their attic and, subsequently, inside their home. After calling Carolina Energy Conservation, our Comfort Specialists decided to install a solar attic fan on top of their roof to help keep the attic the same temperature as outside. This takes a lot of the pressure off of the air conditioning units so that the cool air is cooling the home rather than the attic. 

This whisper quiet, low-profile, solar powered attic fan qualifies for 55% State and Federal tax credits. 

Solatube Install in Pineville, SC

Even in a room with glass doors and large windows, it is still difficult to get natural daylight inside a room. This homeowner wanted to be able to use natural light in their living area rather than artificial lighting via lamps and overhead lights. A Solatube was installed in the right corner of the room and allows that natural daylight to shine into the room, keeping it bright and lively. Pineville, SC 29468

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