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Large hornets nest near hot tub in Holmdel, NJ

Recently, I was dispatched to a home in Holmdel, NJ that was having a problem with some “large wasps” that had taken up residence, of all places, behind the slats of a hot tub. Upon, arrival, I immediately determined that these homeowners were dealing with a European hornet infestation. These are one of the larger stinging insects that we regularly encounter. They can grow to about one inch long, making them one intimidating stinging insect! Because these insects have some yellow in their markings, they can be easily  confused with yellow jackets. However, they are much larger, thicker insects than the slender yellow jacket. Also, unlike yellow jackets, European hornets usually has some orange in their coloration. Like all social wasps and hornets, European hornets are aggressive and territorial if they perceive that they are being threatened. As far as stinging insects go, both yellow jackets and European hornets are similar in that they both have nasty temperaments and won’t hesitate to use their stingers. 

Unlike baldfaced hornets, paper wasps, and other stinging insects, European hornets rarely build suspended nests attached to tree limbs, roof eaves, and other locations in plain view. Instead, just like they did here, these insects usually build their nests inside a hole or cavity. The location of their nests can make them difficult to reach and treat. Sometimes, these hornets will enter homes for shelter, finding entry point through eaves and vents where they then form nests, commonly in wall voids and in attics.  

Here, I promptly located where these hornets were nesting inside the hot tub. First, I treated the nest with a dust that quickly knocks down the population. After waiting until I observed no more active insect activity, I successfully removed the nest. As shown in the photo, the nest was broken into numerous pieces because I had to pull the nest out piecemeal from inside the hot tub. Since the nest was cracked open, you can clearly see the hundreds of combs inside the nest that housed the hornet larvae. I collected all of the nest pieces, bagged them, and took everything with me so there was no remaining nest debris. Now, these homeowners can resume the use of their hot tub without feeling threatened by these large stinging insects.

Excluding Birds from the Dryer Vent in Cotls Neck, NJ

The birds were using this broken dryer vent as shelter and were building a nest inside it! Fortunately, when we inspected, the birds had moved on, but we still had to be careful when removing the nests! 

First, we carefully removed the nesting debris and deodorized the vent with a solution that targets bird mites. Birds mites are blood-sucking parasites that can invade a home once birds have left their nests. If disturbed while removing, bird mites will make their way inside and quickly infest the home.

Next, we installed a DryerWallVent®. The DryerWallVent’s large opening and angled damper provide maximum airflow efficiency for the safe venting of the dryer. Integrated magnets keep the damper closed when the dryer is not in use, keeping pests and elements on the outside. 

Yellow Jackets Nest in the Corner of the Attic in Colts Neck, NJ

A new customer in Colts Neck, NJ called our office after finding a large yellow jackets nest in the attic of his detached garage. As we inspected the attic we found the large, and active, yellow jackets nest tucked in the corner! For treatment, we injected a knockdown aerosol application, waited several moments, and then injected a knockdown dusting application. Both of these applications rapidly exterminate the yellow jackets. 

Once they were eliminated, we removed the nest, disposed of it properly, and cleaned the area. 

Birds Causing Havoc in Pine Beach, NJ

This story brings me to Pine Beach, NJ. Our professional inspector was called out to a house about the massive amount of birds roosting on this home’s roof. When we arrived, we found a lot of birds sitting on top of the roof. This evidently was a constant problem. After speaking to the homeowner, we proposed using Shock Track as well as installing a Bird Flasher on the pilings around her dock area where more birds were congregating. 

We installed Shock Track to the roof ridge. Shock Track is a great product that runs off a solar box, keeping it always active. It sends out a small zap to the birds when they land on it, teaching them that they no longer can use this home as a roosting spot. After we finished, we installed 10 Bird Flashers on the pilings. Bird Flashers give off an inferred flame that only the birds can see.

We showed the home owner the exclusions we installed and she was extremely happy and “shocked” as well to see how fast our job worked. We followed up with her after a couple days and she was happy to say that no birds are on her roof.

Messy Attic Gets A Makeover in Brick, NJ

A new resident in Brick, NJ recently purchased a home and wanted Cowleys to replace the insulation in his attic with blown-in cellulose insulation.

When we inspected the attic, there was a ton of old fiberglass insulation pilled on top of one another throughout the attic! Apparently, the previous owner just kept pilling new fiberglass insulation on top of the old ones, thinking that this will properly insulate his attic — it did not!

We removed all the insulation throughout the attic, properly disposed of it, and then vacuumed and disinfected the attic. Afterward, we added approximately 10 inches of TruSoft blown-in cellulose insulation throughout the attic. Our blown-in TruSoft cellulose insulation exceeds the recommended insulation standards and prevents attic air from seeping into the homeTruSoft won't compress, is treated with non-toxic borate (which creates an incredible resistance to mold & pests), has the highest Class-1 fire safety rating, and is eco-friendly!

Now the attic looks more aesthetically pleasing and organized and the homeowner will save a considerable amount of money on his energy bill!

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